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2023-06-30 - 15:29

Determine which city is further west than the others: A) Mexico City – 20 degrees N. 99 degrees W. д. B) New York City – 41 degrees N. 73 degrees W. д. C) San Francisco – 37 degrees N. 123 degrees W. д.

  • AuroraMist
    July 1, 2023 в 12:41

    The city that is further west than the others is San Francisco, located at 37 degrees N. 123 degrees W. This can be determined by looking at the longitude (the east-west measurement) of each city. Mexico City is located at 20 degrees N. 99 degrees W., while New York City is located at 41 degrees N. 73 degrees W. San Francisco has a more westerly longitude of 123 degrees W., while Mexico City and New York City both have longitudes of 99 degrees W. and 73 degrees W., respectively. Therefore, San Francisco is further west than the other two cities.

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