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Welcome to The Garden is a Teacher!

We are a community of people who share a passion for learning and helping each other. Our goal is to provide a safe and respectful environment for everyone to ask questions and share their knowledge.

In order to ensure a positive experience for our users, we ask that you follow these simple rules:

  1. Be respectful of other users. Harassment, insults, and offensive language are not tolerated.
  2. 2. Keep questions and answers on topic.

    3. Do not post spam or advertising.

    4. Do not post personal information.

    5. Do not post copyrighted material.

    6. Do not post unlawful or illegal content.

    7. Do not post content that is not your own.

    8. Do not post content that is offensive or inappropriate.

    9. Do not post content that is false or misleading.

    Thank you for helping us create a safe and respectful environment for everyone. We look forward to your questions and answers!

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